Custom Clock Widget Pro 1.0.5 Apk For Android OS
Custom Clock Widget Pro 1.0.5 Apk For Android OS
Requires Android:1.5 and up
V1.0.5 update:
# Saving, Retreiving, and Deleting clocks.
# (Exporting and Importing coming soon!)
# Other minor improvments.
You want a custom clock? You got a custom clock!
There are some clocks out there that have a few choices… But what about a clock that you can customize completely?
Choose your Hands, Face, Ticks, Edge, Numbers, Shadows, and Glass and More! You want a custom clock? You got a custom clock! Now save and restore your clocks within application. Exporting and importing coming soon!
lease try the Free version from the market first before you buy this Full version:
E-mail me from the apps options or about page. I reply. Have problems or suggestions? Let me know.
- Choose your Hands, Face, Ticks, Edge, Numbers, and Shadows and Glass!
- Save and Restore your favorite clocks!
- Ability to lock clock from clicks after customization.
- No Ads!!!
- Skewed/Stretched clocks!!
- Launch Alarm on click option.
- Use external images for the face (square or circle cropped)
- Color customization for all parts
- Hour off-set
- Low color option
- More!
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Description: Custom Clock Widget Pro 1.0.5 Apk For Android OS Rating: 3.5 Reviewer: Admin ItemReviewed: Custom Clock Widget Pro 1.0.5 Apk For Android OS 9:54 PM
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